Sky Screenshot Stats


I originally started playing Sky: Children Of The Light on April 7th, 2020.
Since then I have taken a lot of pictures, of almost anything that I found either beautiful, interesting or worth to remember inside the game! This has brought me to where I am today, where I have currently over 20.000 screenshots of the game.

In the past I already did a smaller project, when I had reached the 10.000 screenshots milestone. Which involved taking all the screenshots I had at the time, and using them to recreate one single picture. The result was a beautiful mosaic. (Try to zoom in, to see the individual screenshots)

Apart from the 20.000 screenshots milestone, I was also interested in my overal playtime over the years. Since Sky unfortunately doesn't have an in game timer, which shows your overal playtime. I decided to create something that tries to calculate that.
Although it will be an average, and won't account for the times you didn't take any screenshots. It should still give a rough estimate of how many hours you have poured into this gem of a game!

This section was added later, after reaching the 30.000 screenshots milestone.
To celebrate, I made an edited version of the Bad Apple song utilising all of the screenshots I had taken up to that point. The video is available here.


The source code for this website can be found here!

Thanks to Steve Schoger for his Hero icons!

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Made by jam54. Sky Screenshot Stats is open source software. About.