Sky Screenshot Stats

Video Tutorial

Here is a short YouTube video to show you how this website works!

Note: This website also works on mobile devices.

How It Works

The program extracts the creation date from all the screenshots. These dates can then be used to generate some statistics. This data is retrieved by one of the following 2 ways:

Note: Sometimes the last modified date of a file gets overwritten inside the file's properties, thus causing it to become invalid.
One example of where this might happen, is when the user opens the image, makes changes to it and saves it. Or sometimes even by just moving the file to another location.

What happens when it isn't possible to retrieve a valid date for a screenshot?

In such cases, where neither the creation date in the properties of the file is valid, nor the file name contains a valid date.

The file will be ignored, and won't be used to generate the statistics. The page that displays the statistics, also has a metric that shows how many files were processed, and how many were invalid.

Made by jam54. Sky Screenshot Stats is open source software. About.